// Generated by LiveScript 1.2.0 var sbExpHeader, indShrtTable, questionList, industryList, explanationTable, explanationPost, explanationView, ch2en, viewTable, viewRevTable, indNameTable; sbExpHeader = [ { "header": "rvn", "shrt": "Revenue", "title": "營業收入(億元)", "explain": "營業收入(億元)" }, { "header": "rvngrwth", "shrt": "Rev. (%)", "title": "營收成長率(%)", "explain": "營收成長率(%)" }, { "header": "sst", "shrt": "Asset", "title": "資產 (億元)", "explain": "資產總額(億元)" }, { "header": "eat", "shrt": "Earning", "title": "稅後純益 (億元)", "explain": "稅後純益(億元)" }, { "header": "eps", "shrt": "Equity", "title": "股東權益 (億元)", "explain": "股東權益(億元)" }, { "header": "cptl", "shrt": "Capital", "title": "資本額 (億元)", "explain": "資本額(億元)" }, { "header": "mrg", "shrt": "Profit (%)", "title": "獲利率 (%)", "explain": " 獲利率=(稅後純益/營業收入)× 100%" }, { "header": "roa", "shrt": "ROA (%)", "title": "資產報酬率 (%)", "explain": "資產報酬率=(稅後純益/資產總額)× 100%" }, { "header": "roe", "shrt": "ROE (%)", "title": "股東權益報酬率 (%)", "explain": "股東權益報酬率=(稅後純益/股東權益)× 100%" }, { "header": "dta", "shrt": "Debt (%)", "title": "負債比率 (%)", "explain": "負債率=(負債總額/資產總額)× 100%" } ]; indShrtTable = { "銀行": "Banking", "人壽保險": "Health Insurance", "產物保險": "Property Insurance", "信託投資公司": "Trust", "信用合作社": "Credit Cooperatives", "票券金融": "Bills Finance", "農漁會信用部": "Agriculture Credit", "證券": "Securities", "投信投顧": "Investment Trust", "期貨": "Futures", "其他金融業": "Other Finance", "郵政": "Postal", "投資控股": "Investment Holdings", "水電燃氣": "Water, Electricity and Gas", "電信": "Telecom", "空運": "Air Transport", "海運及船務代理": "Ship Transport", "陸上客運": "Land Transport", "倉儲運輸": "Storage & Transportation", "機械及設備租賃": "Engineering Equipment", "觀光餐飲": "Tourism", "媒體娛樂": "Media", "廣告、公關及設計": "Advertising", "百貨批發零售": "Retail", "貿易": "Trading", "資訊設備銷售與服務": "IT Equipment", "資訊、通訊、IC通路": "IT Channel", "軟體": "Software", "醫療及社會服務": "Medical", "環境衛生服務": "Environmental", "法律、會計及工商服務": "Law & Accounting", "汽車銷售、修理": "Car", "建設": "Construction", "工程承攬": "Engineering", "房屋仲介": "Real Estate", "保全": "Security", "其他服務業": "Other Service", "農林漁牧": "Agriculture &", "金屬原料": "Metal Raw Materials", "金屬製品": "Metal Manufacturing", "非金屬礦物製品": "Non-Metal Manufacturing", "食品原料": "Food", "飲料": "Beverage", "食品": "Food Materials", "菸草": "Tobacco", "機電設備": "Engineering Equipment", "其他工業製品": "Industrial Manufacturing", "IC設計": "IC Design", "電腦週邊與零組件": "Computers Components", "電腦系統": "Computers System", "電子": "Electronics", "通訊與網路": "IT", "半導體": "Semiconductor", "光電": "Optoelectronics", "精密儀器": "Precision Instruments", "家具與家用設備": "Household Furniture", "石化原料": "Petrochemical Materials", "化學材料": "Chemical Materials", "化工製品": "Chemical Manufacturing", "塑膠與橡膠製品": "Plastic & Rubber", "紡織、成衣": "Textiles & Clothing", "家電": "Home Appliances", "鞋業": "Shoe Manufacturer", "皮革與皮製品": "Leather Manufacturer", "化妝品與清潔用品": "Cosmetic", "製藥與生物科技": "Biotechnology", "造紙": "Paper", "汽車及其零件": "Car Components", "航太": "Aerospace", "其他運輸工具": "Other Transportation", "育樂用品": "Entertainment", "產業控股": "Industrial Holdings", "電子商務": "E-commerce", "媒體系統": "Media System", "印刷": "Printing", "文化創意": "Cultural and Creative" }; questionList = [ { "act": "rvn", "text": "Who has the largest revenue?", "type": null }, { "act": "cptl", "text": "Who has the highest asset?", "type": null }, { "act": null, "text": "--分隔線--" }, { "act": "header", "text": "Click single company to sort." }, { "act": "eat", "text": "Who has the largest profit?", "type": "viewsubind" }, { "act": "mrg", "text": "Who is the most profitable?", "type": "viewsubind" }, { "act": "rvngrwth", "text": "Who growth most?", "type": "viewsubind" }, { "act": "roe", "text": "Who has the best Return On Equity?", "type": "viewsubind" } ]; industryList = [ { "act": "manufacturing", "text": "Manufacturing" }, { "act": "service", "text": "Service" }, { "act": "finance", "text": "Finance" }, { "act": null, "text": "----" }, { "act": "all", "text": "Total 2100 Company" } ]; explanationTable = { "viewtree": "Treemap:Larger Size -> ", "viewpanel": "List:Higher -> ", "viewindustry": "By Sector: Larger Size -> ", "viewsubind": "Company Comparison:Higher -> " }; explanationPost = { "viewtree": "Larger", "viewpanel": "Larger", "viewindustry": " (in the industry) Larger", "viewsubind": "Larger" }; explanationView = { "rvn": "Revenue ", "ppl": "Employee ", "cptl": "Capital ", "rvngrwth": "Revenue Growth ", "sst": "Asset ", "eat": "Earning After Tax ", "eps": "Equity ", "mrg": "Margin ", "roa": "ROA ", "roe": "ROE ", "dta": "Debt to Asset ", "cntrppl": "Revenue/Employee " }; ch2en = { "製造": "Manufacturing", "服務": "Service", "金融": "Finance" }; viewTable = { "TreeMap": "viewtree", "List": "viewpanel", "By Sector": "viewindustry" }; viewRevTable = { "viewtree": "TreeMap", "viewpanel": "List", "viewindustry": "By Sector" }; indNameTable = { "manufacturing": "Manufacturing", "service": "Service", "finance": "Finance" };